Fixed and Floating Structures a major stream at AOG 2016

Feb 16, 2016

Internationally renowned professional institution the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) is bringing its expertise to the Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition & Conference (AOG) for the first time in 2016.

RINA, whose global membership is involved at all levels in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures, is hosting a major two-day stream on Fixed and Floating Offshore Structures at the AOG 2016 Conference.

With a string of world class Australian LNG projects making the transition from the construction to operational phase on both sides of the country, it is timely that Fixed and Floating Offshore Structures will feature highly at AOG 2016.

To be held on Wednesday February 24 and Thursday February 25, the Fixed and Floating Offshore Structures stream features a string of high class presentations from leading operators, service and supply, certification, design and academia representatives.

Day One

Session One on Day One, which will be chaired by Jeff Baker from Lloyd’s Register Energy focuses on Structures: Design and Operation.

This early morning session features presentations on the “Development of a “Not Normally Manned” floating production unit” by Duncan Peace from Crondall Energy Consultants Ltd; “Design, Structural Integrity and Operation of FPSO in Cyclonic Conditions” by Dmitry Sadovnikov by Woodside Energy Ltd; and “Analysis of turret options for the Schiehallion FPSO redeployment”, by Goran Dubljevic from Wood Group Kenny.

The Second Session of the morning is to be chaired by Duncan Peace of Crondall Energy Consultants and runs under the theme of Structures: Classification and Integrity Management”.

Presentations in this are “Risk Based Inspection in the Classification Context for Floating Units, by Jeff Baker of Lloyd’s Register Energy; “Proposed methodology for semi-quantitative Risk Based Inspection of Hull Structures” by Jose Esteve of Bureau Veritas; and “Risk Based Classification” by Samuel Chadwick of DNVGL.

Following lunch James Whelan from Woodside Energy will host a Third Session on “Technology”.

Presentations in this session are “Offshore Renewables in Asia Pacific, do they stack up?”, by Azad Hessamodini of Wood Group Kenny; “Simulation-Based Dropped Objects Assessments for Cost Management and Installation Risk Reduction”, by Hema Wadhwa of INTECSEA; and “Solitude. Unmanned FLNG”, by Richard Palmer of DNVGL.

The final Session of the day will be chaired by Matthew Williamson of DNV GL and will cover the topic of “Marine and Offshore Hydrodynamics.”

Presentations in this session are “URANS Simulations of Predicting Manoeuvring Coefficients of Very Large Ships”, by Shuhong Chai of the University of Tasmania; “Hydrodynamics of LNGC with Partially-Filled Spherical Tanks,” by Dr Wenhua Zhao and Mike Efthymiou from the University of Western Australia; and “Towards reliable predictions of wave-in-deck loads and response of offshore platforms”, by Nagi Abdussamie and Yuriy Drobyshevski of the Australian Maritime College, University of Tasmania.

Day Two

Day Two kicks off with a session entitled “Ships and Offshore Operations”.

Presentations will include “Decommissioning – Not Just Engineering” by Philip Griffin of LOC-Australia; “The Pioneering Spirit – Making the World’s Largest Ship a Reality”, James Forsdyke of Lloyd’s Register.

Session Two on Day Two has the Theme of LNG and includes presentations on “What it will take for Small-scale LNG breakthroughs in Asia Pacific”, by Will Pulsford of Poten & Partners; “Key LNG bunkering operation issues and demonstration through an animated simulation model”, by Xingyan Elsie Tang of DNV GL; and “Project Integrated Availability Assessment for Floating LNG Terminals”, by Mikhail Santosa of INTECSEA.

In the afternoon, the RINA Chief Executive, Trevor Blakeley, will conduct a special Workshop to address the routes to Chartered Membership. Members of RINA working towards Chartered Membership and those interested in membership, regardless of academic qualification or experience, are invited to the workshop.

If you’re interested in attending RINA’s exclusive Fixed and Floating Offshore Structures stream, book your pass and find out more here.

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