Human Capital Challenges discussed at AOG Conference

Feb 19, 2015

Attracting and keeping the right people is a constant challenge in the hectic world of HR professionals. That is never more important than when you are involved in a globally fluent sector like the oil and gas industry.

It has been identified that attending and participating in key industry events is an important part of a HR specialist’s professional development, not only in lessons learned but also in having the opportunity to network and meet people of similar interests.
One of the keys in this regard is ensuring that you identify and attend the right events.

With a 30 plus year history of being one of Australia’s leading oil and gas events and a Conference programme packed with high calibre HR-related content, AOG 2015 absolutely fits that requirement.

The AOG 2015 Conference is a must attend event for anyone in the HR area, particularly if you are working in the oil and gas industry.

The Conference has a high quality stream dedicated to a major topic of interest for those in HR, caring for and managing Human Capital, which is an all-day event on Thursday March 12.
The streams is being driven by and involves leaders in their field who have together structured content that will fill the interest of all HR professionals.
A highlight of the AOG Conference and the Human Capital Stream will be the special Panel session on FIFO Mental Health.
Australian Human Capital specialist Lisa Costa, who has played a major role in pulling together the programme for this stream at AOG, says that this will be a must attend event at AOG 2015.

The Panel session on FIFO Mental Health will focus heavily on the current WA Parliamentary enquiry into FIFO mental health issues, which has attracted significant media attention on the back of a number of alleged FIFO-related suicides.
Graham Jacobs (MLA), a member of the AOG FIFO Mental Health Panel, is also a member of the Parliamentary committee and he will be able to provide tremendous insight into the evidence presented to the committee and the more than 40 written submissions it has received since public hearings began in October 2014.

Joining Dr Jacobs on that panel will be Nicole Roocke from the Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia (CME), Greg Bayne, Total Leader and Coach Solutions and Alistair Box (Total Leader and Coach Solutions).
“With Fly In/Fly Out (FIFO) Mental Health a major topic in the community, the industry and the media, the Human Capital stream at AOG 2015 is sure to be a popular and well attended gathering of specialists in the area and those who need to learn more about this critical issue,” Ms Costa said.

“Driven by industry need, the Human Capital stream will provide key insights into topics such as global Human Capital trends, ensuring competitiveness through improved productivity, employee engagement, indigenous perspectives, and mental health, stress and bullying.”

A highlight of the morning session of the Human Capital stream will be Julie Harrision from Deloite who will offer a unique oil and gas insight into the soon to released and eagerly awaited “Global Human Capital Trends Report 2015”.

Other presentations include: “Ensuring Competitiveness Through Productivity: The importance of workplace relations reform” presented by Steve Knott of the Australian Mines and Metals Association, “From Green to Brown to Gold: Using the Science of Change to ensure Operational Readiness for Asset Optimisation Projects” presented by Corrie Scheepers and Melissa Bell of The Terrace Initiative, “Employee Engagement in the Oil and Gas Industry” presented by Fiona Scullion of The Right Group and Maud Kay of Rigzone, “On the Waterfront; An Indigenous perspective” presented by Wayne Bergmann of Aboriginal Maritime Pty Ltd, “O&G Workforce Planning” with Sam Russell and Craig Bonanno of Rhodes Business School, and “Managing Human Capital:
Key issues and insights” presented by Clinton Strahan of Strahan Consulting.

The day wraps up with a Bullying Play and Workshop titled “Much Ado about Hector”

If you are a HR professional, then AOG 2015 has something for you.

Human Capital – Thursday 12 March
Single Day Conference Pass $550 inc GST
Find out more and book your pass here

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